Miracle Homemade remedy Drumstick leaves juice for Menstrual Pain

The menstrual cycle begins for the female as soon as she becomes 12 to 13 years of age. For a few, it may be soft, but for a few, it is one of the serious experiences that they require to undergo each month as the menstrual pain gets intolerable. Read about Drumstick leaves juice for Menstrual Pain.

For those who can follow natural homemade remedies, they want to have drumstick leaves juice. It assists relieve the menstrual pain.

Some of them get the pain as their date of periods begins approaching, although a few of them suffer from the pain during menstruation & the pain happens in the lower abdomen. The severity of the pain ranges from small to severe, & all that the female needs at that point in time is to reduce the pain immediately.

In order to reduce the pain, one sway takes up certain medication rules but of all, natural home remedies have ever been the greatest. Drumstick leaves juice for Menstrual PainThe greatest part regarding natural home remedies is that those do not cause any side effects & are very safe.

Therefore why the pain? If the uterus contracts to suspend its lining during menstruating, this points to severe pain in your lower abdomen.

Drumstick leaves juice is one of the largest natural components that aids to build up the iron content in your body & refresh the body with nutrients. This aids in controlling the proper blood flow & therefore eases the pain.

How To make Drumstick Leaves Juice:

1. Take some drumstick leaves & rinse them precisely with water.

2. Grind the leaves and extract the juice from it.

3. Now strain the juice & then join regarding a teaspoon of honey to the about one by the fourth the cup of this drumstick leaves juice.

4. Mix it well & then drink the juice ahead in the morning on an empty belly for the first 2 days of the periods.

5. This drumstick leaves juice aids in relieving menstrual pain.

Caution: Drumstick leaves juice is effective in relieving the menstrual pain, but one should be cautious as well. If the pain is difficult, insists for the longer period of time or it happens every month then it is enough to consult your family doctor.

Indian Homemade peanut butter recipe

Peanut Butter is the stuff that gives me so comfortable. I love peanuts very much & peanut butter, particularly on sandwiches or as the dip for apples. I enjoy eating it. But this strange stuff is so pricey over here. So I explored a good and healthy recipe for homemade peanut butter & finally got this one. I assure you this taste approach better than store purchased stuff & it is a lot cheaper & healthier. You could make this & store it in the fridge & apply it as you want. You could apply this to provide all the goodies that call for peanut butter. I just suggest you all provide this a try & let us know what you believe about this. Read about Indian Homemade peanut butter recipe

Ingredients required peanut butter recipe:

  • Roasted Whole Peanuts: 250 grams
  • Powdered Palm Sugar / Jaggery: 3 tablespoon
  • Salt : 1/4 tsp
  • Oil : 2 tablespoon

Homemade peanut butter recipeMethod required peanut butter recipe:

  • Take peanuts in a blender, powder them into a powder.
  • Continue blending till oil comes from it, add in jaggery, salt and blend until smooth.
  • Now add in 1 tbsp of oil and puree till smooth. Now add in another tbsp of oil and puree till smooth.
  • Cut apples into thick slices and cut into finger-like strips.
  • Serve with apple sticks.

Read more: Peanuts for weightloss

Six Cures To Flush Out Kidney Stones

Six Cures To Flush Out Kidney Stones

Sometimes we overlook the small health issues in life, and this often led to major problems. It has said that more that 50 percent people fall ill due to kidney failure, & it all begins with the formation of stones. Kidney stones are dangerous to one’s health when completely ignored. Our kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body as it helps detox and filter contaminants from the blood, as well as waste products from the urine.

Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process the toxins efficiently. It is the build up of the crystallization of raw minerals, and these crystals have to be flushed out to relieve one from pain and possible blockage of urine flow. Here are some best ways to flush out stones from the kidneys,

Here are some best methods to flush out stones from the kidneys, have a look on Six Cures To Flush Out Kidney Stones:

Six Cures To Flush Out Kidney StonesKidney Beans –

These Beans are called so because it benefits to look at your kidneys. Remove the beans from inside the pods, and then boil the seeds in purified hot water for 6 hours. When done, drink the juice to alleviate kidney stones & the pain.

Celery Juice –

This Green Juice is the best to drink if one want to flush out toxins from the body. Celery is rich in the proteins and vitamin C, which aids to get rid of the kidney stones in no time. Use celery raw or in its Juice form to solve the health query.

Basil Juice –

Basil leaves or Tulsi are one of the best particular herbs one can add to the daily diet to treat any health issue. Crush the leaves of basil. Add one tablespoon of honey & add this paste to the cup of water. Consume this Juice early morning on an empty stomach to hell ease with the pain & to destroy the stones.

Pomegranate Juice –

Pomegranate is added home remedy to flush out kidney stones from the organ. Drink this fruit juice in its natural form to treat the organ problem. However, this treatment might take some time but it would help heal you.

Horsetail Tea –

Horsetail tea is an efficient natural remedy for the kidney stones. Drink up to 3-4 cups of horsetail tea regular.

Change In Diet –

An unhealthy diet is the basis of a lot of health issues. When the suffering from kidney Stones it is best to keep the diet free from oily foods, it should be fat-free, and the daily diet should include a lot of fluids.

7 Best Foods That Burn Calories

7 Best Foods That Burn Calories

We all think of losing weight by choosing the best foods. Choosing the best foods to lose weight is an excellent choice, and the results have best gained when exercises have also done.

Most people believe that celery is the only food that aids in burning more calories that make it a healthy snack to enjoy when you are trying to lose weight. But a little do we know there are is a list of best foods that help in burning calories than what they contain.

Most of these foods provide additional vital nutrients and minerals required by our body apart from burning calories. It makes them an excellent choice to add them to your daily diet menu.

Read on to know more about the 7 best foods that burn calories.


Lettuce is one of the best meals that consumes calories. It is a great substitute for breads in a diet, and the fibre helps the digestive system function more efficiently. Eating lettuce in the salad is quite filling, and it has high water content as well.

7 best foods that burn caloriesCucumbers

Cucumber is an excellent choice for a snack. It has high water content, and it makes it a hydrating veggie. It has very fewer calories and provides more nutrients that your body needs to keep functioning properly.


Watermelon is different food that has fewer calories. This diet helps to burn more calories than it has. This food has some water content & is rich in vitamins, it also makes it an excellent choice for hydrating food.


Cauliflower is rich in fibre & vitamins. It can be consumed raw or in cooked form. It is the right replacement for certain high-calorie ingredients in dishes. It is an example of the foods that can burn calories.


Peppers help to increase the metabolism rate. It is an excellent choice for spicing up a dish & it can substitute for dressing as it has helps you to work via weight loss as it has very few calories.


Apple is an excellent choice of food to burn the calories. It serves to curb the hunger. More calories become digest than the actual amount of calories present in them. It is a good tactic for weight loss efforts.