Does Dehydration Make You Fat?

Does Dehydration Make You Fat?

Is dehydration very dangerous? Yes, very dangerous. We all know that we ca not live without water. There is more to know. Dehydration causes several other problems. It can cause headaches & fatigue; it can affect your kidneys, skin & digestion too. And yes, it can make you obese too!

If one have the habit of drinking water only when one feel thirsty, then it is high time you hydrate the system well before your body gets affected.

In fact, drink the bottle of water soon after waking up. Also, reduce the soda consumption as your body loses its water content. Both drinks and coffee may deprive your body of water.

Now, read on to know Does Dehydration Make You Fat? Or how dehydration affects the body.

Does Dehydration Make You Fat?Obesity

Dehydration causes weakness that might make you eat heavily for energy levels. But in fact, when you are thirsty, you need to drink water.


When there is not much water, the waste materials in the intestines tend to move pretty slow. It may lead to illness too.


Do you know that the body tends to provide higher levels of cholesterol when dehydrated? Well, it does so to prevent the loss of water in the body.


Dehydration may also affect your airways that may lead to breathing issues or allergies.

Your BP Improves

Do you know why the blood pressure goes high when you have dehydrated? Well, your blood may get a bit thicker due to insufficient water levels. It may affect its flow, and this increases its pressure.

Your Skin Suffers

When the body lacks enough water, it fails to flush out toxins, and this may affect the skin. Several disorders like dermatitis and premature wrinkles will occur.


Both acid reflux and ulcers can occur when your body lacks certain minerals and even water. Water is critical for your digestive system.


Most of your organs along with the skin age faster when you are dehydrated for long.